Päätin käyttää mekon kangasta pikkutytön mekkoon. Valikoin aika tarkkaan, miten kuviot tulevat mekkoon, joten lähes kaikki kangas meni. Halusin vähän piristystä tummansininen-valkoinen yhdistelmään ja lisäsin sivuille kaitaleet pinkkiä joustavaa kangasta - vetoketjuakaan ei siis tarvinnut ommella kun mekon sai jouston ansiosta pujotettua päälle.
Vietettiin tänään jotain 3 tuntia lasten leikkikaupungissa Mukulakadulla ja siellä otin suurimman osan nuita kuvistakin. Nuoremman tyttöni mekko on myöskin minun ompelemani - kuvia ja ohjeenkin löydät täältä. Tuntui tosi mukavalta kun illalla riisuttiin mekkoa ja tyttäreni sanoi "Kiitos mekosta äiti!".
Some time ago I found the retro style dress in my closet. It has never been my style, I have never even woren it but I payed only 1€ when I bought it in a 2nd hand market.
I decided to use the fabric for making a dress for my daughter. I chose carefully how I want the prints to be in the dress and that's why all the fabric was used in this project. I wanted to sheer up the simple colors so I added some pink elastic fabric in the sides and that's why it's easy to wear even without zipper.
We spent about 3 hours in the kids' street - in other words in an indoor playground - and I took the most of the pictures there. In the pictures my younger daughter wears a dress made by me as well znd you can see more pictures and even a pattern+tutorial here. Before going to sleep we were taking off the dress and my daughter said to me: "Thanks for the dress, mommy!" That felt so good!
What a lovely dress! She's too cute :)
VastaaPoistaI love those 1E deals, and if they're long and/or large, better!!!
MammaNene @ SergerPepper
Thank you! I'm really happy I got "rid" of the unuseful dress and mydaughter got a new one :D
PoistaI love this upcycle. Your little angel looks so adorable.
VastaaPoistaThank you so much. I enjoyed this project a lot.